Marketing content

Marketing content

Small, medium and large companies that want to adapt their branding, marketing materials or advertising for new markets worldwide. Digital marketing agencies that want to increase the international reach of their client. We can help you communicate your message properly in any language, for any market.

Creating and designing both an online and offline marketing strategy requires lots of time, effort and dedication. Are you prepared to put the same energy into making sure it’s just as effective worldwide?

Content marketing is based on attracting users through quality content, with the aim of helping them until they become a client. Creating and writing this content are the key:

  • Blog posts (writing and translating blog posts)
  • Posts on social media
  • Videos
  • E-books
  • Infographics

All the content needs to be well written and tailored towards your ideal client. You want your target audience to trust you. You want to help them solve their problems, and to pass on your knowledge to them.

Translation, reviewing, proofreading and editing

Writing isn’t easy, but it’s really important that everything is well-written. Spelling mistakes or long sentences look bad, and can lead you to lose clients fast. We’re a professional translation company based in Catalonia and, at LocalizationLab, we can proofread (and edit if necessary) all your marketing materials in any language. We can also translate them so that they’ll reach all your target markets.

To translate marketing materials, the translator and the reviewer both have to be experts in marketing and in the relevant industry.

They have to be creative linguists that adapt texts for the market and the local audience in each country. In some cases, transcreation of the original text might even be necessary. In this blog post, you can read more about the topic.

At LocalizationLab, we have more than 20 years of experience in translation and language services. We know what it’s like to be in the client’s shoes looking to outsource these services, so we know what the expectations are. As a translation company in Barcelona, we are familiar with the local and national markets. We’ve got a tried and tested process, always involving two language experts for each project – one person that translates and another that reviews the translation, who is also an expert in the relevant field. That means we can deliver high quality translations and that our clients can rest easy.

A tried and tested process that we know works well
We work collaboratively with our clients to collect their feedback and ensure the best results. We advocate transparency based on trust with our clients, translators, reviewers and project managers.

Why work with LocalizationLab?

  • We have more than 20 years of experience in the translation and language services industry.
  • We use a company-designed method, which enables us to provide high quality standards. If you would like, we would be more than happy to do a test translation so that you can see how we work.
  • We always have teams of two language experts for each project – one translator and one reviewer, which ensures the highest quality standards.
  • All our translators and reviewers are professionally qualified, native speakers and experts in the topic and industry. We have more than 300 partners all over the world. Why not take a look at what our partners say about us?

Do you want to communicate effectively with your clients, in any language?
Send us an email and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.