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A company taking an innovative approach to time and work-life balance in Barcelona

LocalizationLab is a member of Xarxa Nust, a “New Social Uses of Time” network for companies and organisations who are committed to improving patterns of time management. The network works to encourage well-being, balance and the shared responsibility of workers. Moreover, it contributes to improving the quality of life of Barcelona’s citizens.

Since we founded the company in 2013, we have always worked towards growing as a socially responsible company. We want to make it easier for both us and our collaborators to achieve a good work-life balance.  What’s more, our company is 100% virtual. We believe that companies have to be flexible, everyone should be able to work from wherever suits them best. We are always goals-focused, and our professional relationship is based on trust and respect. Being able to work independently and responsibly is a requirement for being part of LocalizationLab.

For the last five years, we’ve been using our professional experience and putting our hearts and souls into this project, which we truly believe in. When we started, we knew that we wanted to create a socially responsible company. One that allowed us to live from what we love doing, and that would let us to do things properly. We wanted to do our bit to create a successful professional environment that would have a positive impact on society.

The importance of Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility, as described in the Green paper ‘Promoting a European framework for Corporate Social Responsibility’ (Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 2001) is “essentially a concept whereby companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment. At a time when the European Union endeavours to identify its common values by adopting a Charter of Fundamental Rights, an increasing number of European companies recognise their social responsibility more and more clearly and consider it as part of their identity. This responsibility is expressed towards employees and more generally towards all the stakeholders affected by the business and which in turn can influence its success.”

Whenever we can, we take part in projects that we find interesting and that have a positive impact on our environment, like the Ultra Clean Marathon or HP’s charity run.

Doing business responsibly doesn’t only benefit the company itself, but society as a whole. That’s how we founded our company, and how we want it to continue to grow.

Written by LocalizationLab